15.5” x 15.5” x 1.5”
Crochet, beading, and embroidery on/with plastic discs and plastic canvas

17” x 22” x 1.5”
Quilt, standing wool and crochet techniques. Beading

20.5" x 37" x 2.5"
Crocheted traditional Irish Crochet elements with bead embroidery appliqued on fiberglass screening. Upholstery fabric and needle-felted organza.

19" x 37" x 3.5"
Machine quilted ground with upholstery fabric, crocheted cages, needle felted figures with wire armatures
2019 Bleached Tidal Pool
Machine and Hand quilting, crochet, needle felting, beading, embroidery
Bleached Tidal Pool, detail

Thermoplastic mesh, machine quilting, hand stitching, acrylic paint, crochet. 2015
38" x 21.5"

This whole cloth quilt is made of commercially made cotton fabric. It is machine quilted and machine appliquéd. The embellishments and surface treatments are: couched yarns, hand sewn beading, hand embroidery, and oil stick paints.
33" x 42.25"
This quilt is made from a collage of many smaller quilts encircled by a gold spandex ring.
size: approx 23" x 30"

Woven and needlefelted necktie interfacings. Hand appliqued wig strands.
25.5" x 27"
Hand stitched, stump work embroidery. Needle felted, wrapped wire.
approx 18" x 21"

Quilted ground with appliqued sheers, chenille yarn, and vinyl.
18.5" x 25"

Painted upholstery fabric with machine and hand embroidery and painted, heat-shrunk Tyvek.
37.5" X 23"
Hand appliqued, hand quilted, embroidered
28" x 36"
The construction technique was inspired by the design technique of Beth Aten and Paula Swett found on the Free Spirit Fabric website
size approx 36" x 42"